Take a look at some of our references

We always operate on 100%, no matter if we install the remote diagnostic system Codis on next client work station, provide service of the road tunnels in Brno or monitor bicycle paths. See for yourself.

Repair and maintenance service of the technological equipment of the tunnels in Brno
ČD - Telematika a.s.
May 2024 - present
Repair and maintenance service of the technological and software equipment and of the construction and technical part of the road tunnels in build up area of city Brno.
Rail track modernization and electrification on route Šakvice – Hustopeče u Brna
AŽD Praha s.r.o.
January 2024
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at railway staion Hustopeče u Brna within reconstruction of devices at railway station Šakvice. The delivery included remote suprevision from central dispatching centre at Přerov. Při modernizaci a elektrizaci trati Šakvice - Hustopeče u Brna jsem dodali a zprovoznili systém dálkového dohledu infrastrukturních zařízení ve stanici Hustopeče u Brna a zároveň byla provedena rekonstrukce stávajících zařízení ve stanici Šakvice. Součástí naší dodávky bylo zprovoznění dálkového dohledu této trati z CDP Přerov
Modernization of the rail junction Ostrava
June 2022
We prepared a project documentation for the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
I/42 Brno VMO Žabovřeská 1st stage, VD-ZDS/AD a 2nd stage VD-ZDS
November 2021
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of the control system of tramway tunnel and the road gallery for the construction of next part of the ring road in Brno. The documentation also included a proposal for the management of traffic in the tramway tunnel, including remote supervision from the dispatching center.
Repair of the traffic control and communication device at railway station Nedvědice
AK signal Brno a.s.
December 2020
We brought into operation an island system of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems within local control centre.
ETCS Ústí nad Orlicí – Lichkov
SUDOP BRNO, spol. s r.o.
December 2020
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: a preparatory documentation of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Rail track modernization and electrification on route Otrokovice – Vizovice
OHL ŽS, a.s.
November 2020
We prepared and delivered a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of part "The remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems" for thirty two technological objects within the Otrokovice – Vizovice railway line.
Construction of the electrical preheating device at railway station Brno main station
OHL ŽS, a.s.
July 2020
We included system of electrical preheating device installed at railway station Brno main station with eighteen stands for train electrical heating connections.
Repair of the traffic control device at railway station Miroslav
Signal Projekt s.r.o.
July 2020
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit in an island design of "The remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems" at railway station Miroslav.
Reconstruction of infrastructure Brno main station
Elektrizace železnic Praha a. s.
March 2020
We have added ten new control panels for the diagnostic data collection from the high-current and communication equipment at six railway stations in Brno. The delivery included client workstations and remote supervision from the Central dispatching centre in Přerov.
Measurement points on bike paths
January 2020
We have developed technology for counting pedestrians and cyclists including their movement direction. We installed it on the Brno cycle paths and present the results to the public on installed large screens and on the website of the Brno traffic information center. Here or here you can see the reportage of the project. Detection accuracy is approx. 95%. Here you can see the daylight detection and here the night detection.
Rail track optimalization on route Český Těšín - Dětmarovice
OHL ŽS, a.s.
December 2019
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at within the Český Těšín - Dětmarovice track section, including five integration concentrators and supplementation of existing surveillance work stations at OŘ Ostrava.
FlexiCube solution for monitoring CO2 concentration and water level
E.ON Česká republika, s. r. o
November 2019
Client uses FlexiCube devices in 3 applications – water level monitoring, outdoor temperature monitoring and monitoring CO2 concentration at offices.
Rail track increase capacity on route Nymburk – Mladá Boleslav – 2.construction
Skanska a.s.
November 2019
We have added two new control panels for the diagnostic data collection from the high-current and communication equipment at the railway station Straky and the railway station Čachovice. The delivery included an integration concentrator and three mobile client workstations.
Road I/42 – Tunnel Husovice in Brno - part replacement of the technology
ČD - Telematika a.s.
August 2019
We carried out a complete replacement of the technology measuring air quality, wind speed, vehicle height and traffic intensity and also supplemented smoke detection in the Husovice tunnel in Brno. The delivery also included the integration of the ADR system into the tunnel control system, the central technical dispatching center of the Brno communications and the regional operational and information center of the FRS.
DDTS Havlíčkův Brod - Jihlava
OHL ŽS, a.s.
July 2019
We included heavy-current technologies installed within the Jihlava - Havlíčkův Brod railway line into the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. The delivery of surveillance workstations for operation and maintenance of the equipment was also included.
FlexiCube solution for monitoring location and usage construction machines
June 2019
We developed solution for monitoring location and usage of construction machines. Client uses 310 FlexiCube units in his rentals in the Czech Republic.
Reconstruction of the railway station Sklené nad Oslavou
June 2019
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of parts "The remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems", "High-current and communication equipment".
FlexiCube solution for fire detection
Skanska a.s.
March 2019
We developed 20 units FlexiCube with fire detection for increase persons and assets security in construction modules at worksites.
Reconstruction of the traffic control device Praha Smíchov - Hostivice
March 2019
We deployed the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at five railway stations and two stops within the Prague-Smíchov - Hostivice track section, including two integration concentrators and provision of remote supervision of the infrastructure.
Electrification and rail trail capacity increase on route Uničov (incl.) – Olomouc
January 2019
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Rail trail speed increase on route Valašské Meziříčí – Hustopeče nad Bečvou
November 2018
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Rail trail speed increase on route Řikonín - Vlkov u Tišnova
Elektrizace železnic Praha a. s.
November 2018
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at Řikonín railway station, Vlkov u Tišnova railway station and Níhov stop, including delivery of client stations for remote supervision of insfrastructural technologies.
Modernization of the rail junction Česká Třebová
OHL ŽS, a.s.
July 2018
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: a preparatory documentation of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Transfer of the the remote diagnostic system of technological systems ZAT to the integration server of the central dispatching centre Prague
July 2018
We provided the integration of the surveillance system of the heavy-current systems in Railway Transport Administration Center, Regional Directorate in Prague (SŽDC OŘ Praha). As a part of performance we delivered service work stations and supplied existing surveillance work stations.
Reconstruction of the traffic control device at railway station Bohumín
March 2018
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Reconstruction of the traffic control device Brno, the main railway station
OHL ŽS, a.s.
March 2018
We prepared a project documentation of the construction in part: project of the Documentation required for a Building Permit of the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Rail-switch electrical heating reconstruction and supplementation on the railway station Roztoky u Prahy, Libčice n. Vltavou
Elektroline a.s.
March 2018
We provided the integration of the surveillance system of the heavy-current systems at the railway station Roztoky u Prahy and Libčice nad Vltavou with the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems, including delivery of the service client stations and supplementation of existing surveillance work stations.
Rail trail speed increase on route Kuřim - Tišnov
OHL ŽS, a.s.
November 2017
We provided one station and affiliate stops in the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. We delivered integration concentrator and two work stations of the remote diagnostic system. Finally we modified the integration server at dispatching centre Brno and supplied client stations.
GOS system development
Our own development
September 2017 - present
We provide the development of a comprehensive tool for recording and supporting the solution of faults in heavy-current, communication and signalling devices operated on the railway network.
Rail track modernization and electrification on route Otrokovice – Vizovice
July 2017
We prepared a project documentation for the part “The remote control system of the railway infrastructure”.
Rail track revitalization on route Okříšky - Zastávka u Brna
STRABAG Rail a.s.
July 2017
We connected seven stations and affiliate stops with the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems and for that purpose we delivered three integration concentrators and two fixed work stations. We have continued with the modification and supplementation of the integration server at dispatching centre Brno and supplementation of the client stations.
Remote-controlled traffic control system Kolín (excl.) - Kralupy nad Vltavou (excl.)
OHL ŽS, a.s.
March 2017
We implemented the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at 11 stations and affiliate stops and we delivered eight integration concentrators and four two mobile work stations. Part of the supply was modification and supplementation of the integration server and client stations in central dispatching centre Prague.
Solutions for coating and drying for cores II
January 2017
For an automated line for the dipping and drying of pressed sand cores used in the production of more complex casts, we have continued supplying and installing the engine power distributor RM for powering and controlling individual drivers, DT control panel with PLC for controlling the entire automated line, sub-control cabinets and sensors, cabling connection.
Electrification and rail trail capacity increase on route Uničov (incl.) – Olomouc
December 2016
We prepared project documentation of “Uničov – Olomouc, the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems” for standard version and for heavy-current devices.
Rail track revitalization on route Prague - Vrané nad Vltavou - Čerčany
DCom, spol. s r.o.
December 2016
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems at 8 stations and affiliate stops, three integration concentrators, two mobile work stations and one fixed work station. During this realization we also modified and supplied the integration servers in central dispatching centre Prague and supplied the client stations.
Development of devices and surveillance system of IoT
Our own development
October 2016 - present
We develop low-cost and low-power device to monitor and transfer selected informations, such as temperature and humidity measurements, motion detection, location informations (GPS), status informations (door open, window open, cover open etc.), flooding detection, tank level measurements, river level measurements, etc. Development of the surveillance web portal for IoT units.
Measurement points on bike paths in Brno - 1st stage
August 2016
We designed the project of the technological part of counting and measurement points on bike paths in Brno.
Remote-controlled traffic control system Česká Třebová (incl. excursion Zádulka) - Kolín (incl.)
OHL ŽS, a.s.
June 2016
We provide the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems for network of 10 stations and affiliate stops. Part of the supply was 10 integration concentrators, four mobile work stations and one fixed work station. Finally we modified and supplied the integration servers in central dispatching centre Prague and dispatching centre Pardubice, and supplied the client stations.
Remote-controlled traffic control system Beroun - Rokycany
OHL ŽS, a.s.
April 2016
We brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems on five stations and affiliate stops. Contract also included a delivery of five integration concentrators, two mobile work stations and one fixed work station of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. Finally we modified and supplied the integration servers in central dispatching centre Prague and Pilsen and client stations.
Remote-controlled traffic control system on route Ostrava Svinov - Petrovice u Karviné state border and Dětmarovice - Mosty u Jablunkova state border
Signal Projekt s.r.o.
February 2016
We prepared project documentation “Railway station Ostrava - Svinov - Petrovice u Karviné, Dětmarovice - Mosty u Jablunkova, the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems” and project documentation “Integration server and client work stations, the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems”.
Solutions for coating and drying for cores
January 2016
For an automated line for the dipping and drying of pressed sand cores used in the production of more complex casts, we have started supplying and installing the engine power distributor RM for powering and controlling individual drivers, DT control panel with PLC for controlling the entire automated line, sub-control cabinets and sensors, cabling connection.
Central dispatching centre Prague
OHL ŽS, a.s.
November 2015
For the central dispatching centre we brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. Part of the supply was delivery of the integration concentrators, client stations and also modification and supplementation of the integration servers.
Development of a device and a surveillance system for V2X system
Our own development
October 2015
We developed a device and a surveillance system for the communication of vehicles with transport infrastructure.
Remote-controlled traffic control system for the rail track Újezdec u Luhačovic (excl.) - Vlárský průsmy
OHL ŽS, a.s.
August 2015
We delivered the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems, including the integration concentrators, client stations and also modification and supplementation of the integration servers.
Remote-controlled traffic control system Břeclav - Brno
OHL ŽS, a.s.
June 2015
We brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems for our client. We also delivered the integration concentrators, client stations and also provided modification and supplementation of the integration servers.
Reconstruction and modernization of the energy supply system in Ostrava Hospital, including bringing it into operation
OHL ŽS, a.s.
May 2015
"We implemented the remote monitoring system of LV and HV electric power distribution in the EGB1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 energy distribution areas, monitoring system of the power supply of important workplaces (power transmission) and supervisory workplaces at the central dispatching, operating staff and the main power station at the Hospital Ostrava area."
Remote-controlled traffic control system on route Veselí nad Moravou (excl.) – Újezdec u Luhačovic (excl.)
OHL ŽS, a.s.
March 2015
We designed comprehensive solution including detailed project and prepared operations documentation of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems.
Heating models device
March 2015
We prepared project documentation for construction implementation of “Heating models distribution board”.
Necessary modifications of a fire ventilation system in the Pisarecký tunnel
February 2015
We delivered and brought into operation a new control system of the Pisarecký tunnel and road interchange Hlinky and we connected it with a surveillance work station of the local control stations of the Pisarecký tunnel and road interchange Hlinky and surveillance work stations and large display at the central technical dispatching of the Transport Company of Brno. We developed special software for client and provided dispatching trainer.
Rental of a temporal control system with auxiliaries for special operational mode of the Pisarecký tunnel in Brno
January 2015
We created a project of a temporal control system. Part of the contract was production, deliver and implementation of the switchboards of a temporal control system of the Pisarecký tunnel and road interchange Hlinky. Next we connected with the system a surveillance work station of the local control station of the Pisarecký tunnel and road interchange Hlinky and surveillance work stations and large display at the central technical dispatching of the Transport Company of Brno.
Company Kostelecké uzeniny - electrical reconstruction of the machine on tripping plant
November 2014
We designed and implemented the electrical distribution board for tripping machine. Within the reconstruction we implemented control system, including software, installation and bringing into operation at client’s site.
Reconstruction of rail junction Břeclav, 2nd construction
OHL ŽS, a.s.
November 2014
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. Realization included delivery of the integration concentrators, client stations and also modification and supplementation of the integration servers.
Leoš Janaček Airport Ostrava, rail link
OHL ŽS, a.s.
November 2014
We delivered and brought into operation the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems for the new rail link from airport transfer terminal. Contract included delivery of the integration concentrators, client stations and also modification and supplementation of the integration servers.
Repair and maintenance service of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems
September 2014 - present
We provide repair and maintenance service of the surveillance system of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems.
The remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems development
Our own development
June 2014 - present
We control the development of the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems. Main goals of the developing the remote diagnostic system of railway network technological systems is information transfer from technological systems to ensure operability of the railway network, remote control of the systems from work stations, homogeneous displaying of all diagnosis informations and uniform way of provide service.

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